Manifestly is a cloud service to help you create, manage, and use recurring workflows in your organization.
Benefits of the Microsoft Teams Integration
- Users don’t have to leave the MS Teams environment to work on workflows and workflow runs.
- No sign in necessary, no additional accounts, Manifestly utilizes your Microsoft login to sign in to Manifestly.
- You control who has access to Manifestly. Only those you add to Manifestly are included in your account. (Team management page is here.)
- Your team receives notifications about their task assignments in MS Teams.
First, the difference between Workflows and Runs
Workflows are your standard recurring processes (SOPs) such as New Employee On-boarding, New Rental Listing, Weekly IT Tasks, etc. Workflows say how the work should be done.
Runs are instances of a workflow. Runs are where you do the work of completing tasks and are a fresh start of the workflow each time.
If you haven’t yet, download the Manifestly App for Microsoft Teams here.
Creating Workflows
You can create and manage your workflows right within the MS Teams interface. Only Admins have the ability to manage workflows.
Some tips to help you create easy to use and maintain workflows that can scale as your process changes and grows.
Keep step titles short and use Section Headings
Utilize step details such as links, images and embedded videos so that you can keep titles short.
Section headings are incredibly important for longer workflows
Due Dates
Set relative due dates for steps and then the actual due dates will be calculated each time the workflow is used. (How to set due dates on steps.)
Use Role Based assignments to give your team more flexibility when there are multiple people who perform the same tasks. You can map a role to people in your organization.
You can also assign steps to a specific person, then each time the workflow is used they’ll be notified of their new assignments.
Data Collection
You can collect data for any step in a workflow. You can have people enter data, choose from a list, upload an image, and upload a file.
Our full list of help center videos on creating and editing workflows.
Runs: Using Workflows
Naming the Run
The first option is the name of the run. This helps your team refer to each run specifically. For example, an employee onboarding run would use the name of the employee for the name of the run. For runs that are related to the current date, leave the name blank and the system will use the date it was started. Details here.
Invite People
You can invite other people to join you on the run. People you add to the run will receive an email with a link to the run.
Manage Your Team
There are 3 different permissions you can assign to people in your account.
Have the ability to add and delete users and create, edit and delete workflows. They have access to all features for your account, with exceptions related to departments below.
Can view all workflows and use them for new runs. They can’t edit workflows nor add or delete users.
They can work on runs they’ve been assigned, but can’t create new runs like Users can. Limited users cannot see anything other than the runs that they have been invited to. A detailed review of limited user role is here.
Limited users do not count against your subscription.
Scheduling Recurring Runs
If you have runs that happen every day, week, or month you can set a schedule to launch and assign a workflow based on this schedule.
Keeping Track of Tasks
Dashboard Items
You can fully customize your dashboard in Manifestly. Dashboard items to track tasks.
Runs Page
The runs page can be used to view all your in-progress runs as well as those that have been completed. You can filter the list based on workflow, status, participants, and even tags. This is where you would go to delete or archive a run or export data.
Assignments Page
Similar to the runs page, the assignments page shows you the next level of detail where you can see individual tasks that are assigned to each person.
Each user in the system can adjust their notifications for MS Teams. These notifications are sent for task assignments, new run assignments, late runs, late run steps, and when you are mentioned in a comment.
High level reporting on the reports page in the web app. Overview here:
Manifestly integrates well with all the major integration platforms such as Workato,, Zapier, Power Automate, and more.
With Zapier
Manifestly has an app within Zapier to help non developers create complex integrations between Manifestly and 1000s of other services.
There are several recipes we’ve created to help you start integrating Manifestly with other online systems on our Zapier-Manifestly Checklists integration page.
We have several videos on integrating with Zapier in our Zapier Video showcase.
We also have a full and open API that is included in all subscriptions.
Web Hooks
Manifestly web hooks are an easy way to use an integration platform such as Workato,, and even Zapier to integrate Manifestly with other software systems.
Read more on using web hooks to integrate Manifestly with other systems.
Consider a 30 minute Personalized Demo
You can also schedule a personalized 30 minute demo for your organization.